Tuesday, May 10, 2011

~Chapter One~

Once upon a time there was husband and wife who lived deep into the wood. They had a young girl named Rapunzel who was extremely ill. It was very hard for Rapunzel's parents to take care of her since they did not live close to any civilization. The only person they knew who lived near was a wicked old witch. The witch was very cruel and unkind. In order to cure Rapunzel's illness, her parents knew they would have to go to the witch's house and ask for medicine. 
           Rapunzel's parents walked across the forest and over to the witch's house. Hoping the witch would be kind enough, they explained their situation and asked the witch, "Would you please help our daughter, she is very ill and needs help. Would you please give us some medicine?" The witch angrily replied, "NO!" and slammed the door.
          Rapunzel's parents had to walk all the way back home with no medicine. When Rapunzel found out how mean the witch was to her caring parents, she walked there herself to show the witch how sick she really was. Since the witch would not give her parents the medicine, Rapunzel snuck into the witch's garden and had begun to steal special herbs. The witch caught Rapunzel in her garden and kidnapped her instantly. Rapunzel was too weak to fight back and could not get away from the witch. The witch then brought Rapunzel into her home and locked her up in a high tower to punish her for stealing from her garden. 

~Chapter Two~

The witch knew Rapunzel was sick so she gave her some medicine but did not let her go. Rapunzel was then locked up in the highest tower of the house. The witch  knew she could not starve Rapunzel to death so in order to get food up to her, she made Rapunzel throw down her long, brown hair. When her hair came down, the witch climbed up and gave Rapunzel her food.   
           After two days, the witch noticed how depressed and lonely Rapunzel was but did little to make her feel better. Rapunzel’s parents had been searching the woods for their lost daughter for days. They had assumed she had went to the witch's home and may have fainted before making it home, or worse, an animal could have attacked her. 
           Rapunzel's parents did not assume the witch would have taken her until they see a shadow up high in the tower. There had never been anyone or anything up there before so they suspected she may be up there after all. 
They could not go to the witch’s house, for they knew they would not make it out alive so they waited for the witch to go to bed. Night approached and Rapunzel’s parents yelled up to their daughter, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel!” Rapunzel let her long, brown hair down for whomever was calling her name. 

They climbed up and Rapunzel surprisingly saw her parents! Rapunzel told them they must leave before the sun rises or the witch would capture them too. Rapunzel and her parents came up with a plan to rescue her the next night. Rapunzel kissed her parents goodbye and let her long, brown hair down for her parents to climb down safely. 

~Chapter Three~

The sun rose the next morning and the witch climbed up her hair. “You are much lighter than my parents” says Rapunzel. The witch grew angry since her parents found her. The witch feared they would call the cops so she let Rapunzel go at night but made sure to cut her hair off. When her parents came back to rescue her that night, they called up to her “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair.” The witch was hiding up in the tower and let Rapunzel’s hair down. Rapunzel’s parents climbed up and were startled to see the wicked witch. The evil witch went to tie down her parents and lock them up in the tower for good but her parents were able to fight back and ended up tying the witch down instead. Rapunzel’s parents tied their daughters long hair to the chair and climbed down safely to the ground. They ran home in hopes to reunite with their daughter again. Rapunzel and her parents made it home safe and was happily reunited again! The End.